Thursday, May 23, 2013

Same-sex Attraction is Not Because of the's the Intimacy

Dear California, 
I don't understand you.
Most likely not just me

Did you know?!

In the state of California it's illegal for therapists to help people
under age 18 with same-sex attraction...
yes, even when they are the ones who want help!
If the therapist helps that person, they will lose their license.

Am I the only one who thinks this is messed up?

The complicated topic of same gender attraction is a touchy subject.
This week I got to take a look on a couple theories on why same gender attraction is prevalent in our day.

Some argue that people are "born this way" and others believe it's a choice.

We got to dig in much deeper and look at some psychological and physiological theories on why people claim to be attracted to the opposite sex.

It's not hard to think of the socially acceptable and divine roles each gender had. 
Men have behavioral tendencies to be aggressive, spatial, and task orientated. Women tend to be relationship based, emotional, and communicative. 
Specific main roles for men are to protect, provide, and preside. The female's main roles are to nurture and serve others compassionately.

We all know young boys who like to play with the socially unacceptable baby doll or the girls who would rather play with trucks.
Usually we think the girls are just Tom boys and they will eventually grow out of it. But, more concern is for the young boys.

Males with inborn characteristics that seem womanly, like creativeness or sensitivity, grow up playing with the girls because they are accepted by them. The other boys see them as feminine or queer. At such a young age, the young boy is taught socially by his peers that he is different and gay. 

When changes start to take place and maturation occurs, the other boys start to long for the opposite gender. They see them as different and they start acting different around them. 
The boy who has always been close to girls (because he wasn't accepted by the guys) also changes, but since he is comfortable around girls so naturally he may start to long for intimacy (not necessarily sexual intimacy) with the same gender.

This is just one of the theories of how those who think of themselves as gay, did not necessarily "choose" it, but were not "born this way".

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