Thursday, May 2, 2013

Some Advice: Have Kids.

I've got a little true and false statement for you!

The world is over populated; couples should not have more than one or two children!

And the answer is...
Dun... dun dun!


Yes, it's true! That statement is false!

The commandment to multiply and replenish the earth is still applicable to our day.

In the June Ensign of 1975, President Spencer W. Kimball reminded couples to have as many children as the Lord would have them. Though it's a sacrifice, the Lord will provide a way. It is essential that as many spirits that may come, should come into a righteous home that teaches the ways of God.

Before 1975, there was actually an increase of the fertility rate (around 3 children) because of the baby boom generation. The effects of this boom were about the age of teenagers and older. 

The widespread influential book, "The Population Bomb" warned of the theory of the Earth being over populated and all the negative effects from over population. (1968)

Fun fact: Though the population of the world has increased in since the 1950's from around 3 billion something to 7 billion, worldwide starvation rates have declined. Hmmmm... :)

Around this time period of late 60's and mid 70's people started to think that larger families might not be the greatest idea. Plenty of other influential revolutions such as the women's revolution, sexual revolution, industrial revolution, and the divorce revolution attributed to this mindset. 

Today, in the U.S. the fertility rate is 2.2. This means that we are barely replacing ourselves. Even more of a shocker is the fertility rate in other countries where the rate is around 1, in which they are not replacing themselves. 

You see, this puts a damper on human capital, rises concerns for retirement plans, shocks the economy, and lacks importance for the fundamental family unit in society!

In conclusion, have children!
If you have any questions... please comment!

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